Fast ferry fare to Con Dao in 2022

Up to now, the high-speed ferry lines to Con Dao have adjusted their ferry fares due to the high fluctuations in petrol prices in recent years, specifically the fare of the shipping lines are as follows:

Fare for Con Dao Express fast ferry (Vung Tau – Con Dao)

Time EcoChildren/ElderlyPeople with disabilitiesVIP
Monday→ Thursday       790.000    630.000           550.000       1.200.000
Friday → Sunday       950.000          760.000           665.000       1.200.000


Fare for Mai Linh Express fast ferry (Can Tho – Con Dao)

Seat classMonday → ThursdayFriday → Sunday & holidays
Ticket price for Mai Linh Express fast ferry (Can Tho – Con Dao)

Ticket price for Superdong fast ferry (Tran De – Con Dao)

Particularly, SUPERDONG on Tran De – Con Dao route has a fare reduction policy corresponding to the VAT discount from 10% to 8%, the details of the Superdong ticket price for Tran De – Con Dao route are as follows:

Adult304.364 VNĐ
Elderly (from 60 years old and above, applicable to Vietnamese citizens)255.273 VNĐ
People with disabilities (applicable to Vietnamese citizens)225.818 VNĐ
Children (From 6-11 years old by year of birth)216.000 VNĐ


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