Booking Da Nang – Ly Son fast ferry ticket

If you have been to Da Nang once, then it is highly recommended to book Da Nang – Ly Son fast ferry ticket to discover a wonderful island with unspoiled, majestic and mysterious nature about a land bearing many imprints about history and humanities.

The fare for a trip from Da Nang to Ly Son by speedboat on weekdays is only 590,000 VND and on weekends is only 720,000 VND.

Coming to Ly Son island district, you will visit famous places such as Hang pagoda, Duc pagoda, Cau cave, Ba Chua Ngoc temple, An Hai village communal house, Ba Roi palace, King well, relics of Hoang Sa fleet. – Truong Sa, Am Linh Pagoda, Cham and Sa Huynh cultural sites… and enjoy extremely delicious seafood dishes.

To get to Ly Son Island from Da Nang, you should refer to The schedule of Da Nang – Ly Son – Da Nang fast ferry in advance to arrange a schedule suitable for your trip.

Da Nang – Ly Son fast ferryLy Son – Da Nang fast ferry

How long does it take to travel from Da Nang to Ly Son?

The distance from Da Nang to Ly Son is about 70 nautical miles, with a train speed of 30-35 knots, it takes about 2 hours – 2 hours 30 minutes. shorter time and distance compared to using road vehicles to Quang Ngai city; create favorable conditions for visitors to Da Nang to visit tourism combined with sightseeing, experience Ly Son island and return in the same day.

In the past, the road distance from Da Nang – Sa Ky is 152km, the car takes about 2 hours 30 minutes. From Sa Ky, it takes 30 minutes by train to Ly Son. Total took about 3 hours. That is not to mention the waiting time for the car, waiting for the train and the train schedule often changing, not fixed, so it is difficult for passengers to arrange and schedule their own.

There is no faster way than a straight road“, with the fast ferry route from Da Nang to Ly Son in only about 2 hours and 30 minutes, which is safe, fast and ensures the health of all passengers is the choice. optimal for many domestic and foreign tourists today.

Ticket price for Da Nang – Ly Son fast ferry

According to the published fare table for the fast ferry from Da Nang to Ly Son, it is applied for one way to/or back with all taxes and fees specifically as follows:

From Monday to Thursday

  • VIP: 900,000 VND
  • ECO: 590,000 VND
  • Elderly/Children: 470,000 VND
  • People with disabilities: 410,000 VND

From Friday to Sunday, Holidays, Tet

  • VIP: 900,000 VND
  • ECO: 720,000 VND
  • Elderly/Children: 570,000 VND
  • People with disabilities: 500,000 VND


  • VAT included
  • Children (6-11 years old) and elderly people (over 60 years old) apply Eco discount according to Company policy
  • Children under 6 years old or less than 1m2 in case of sharing a seat with an accompanying adult will be free of charge for boarding the ferry

Book ticket for Da Nang – Ly Son fast ferry fastest and best price

At, we always update important information of fast ferry ticket promotions, detailed train schedules each month including opening time, applicable preferential rates, ticket types/classes to Ly One way or round trip, the best price for fast ferry ticket from Da Nang to Ly Son… by signing up to receive news via the website or follow fanpage Da Nang – Ly Son fast ferry on facebook.

To increase the probability of success when booking fast ferry ticket to Ly Son online, you need to prepare the necessary personal information including: Full name, year of birth, your ID number and those traveling with you. , a device with good internet connection and an international Visa or Master payment card with enough money…

Easier, you can contact the customer service center 08892112340889271234 or directly to the fast ferry ticket agents of Vietnam Fast Ferry for advice on procedures, information about the earliest promotional fares for fast ferry ticket from Da Nang to Ly Son. Have a safe, fun trip!

Please contact us at:


Hotline: 0989 683 466


Or website:

High-speed boat Trung Trac docked at Song Han Port, Da Nang

Ly Son – An attractive tourist destination

Ly Son with generations of people facing the sea, mentioning this island echoes the shadow of their ancestors, young men obeying the imperial court’s orders to open boats to open the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa realms. Each communal house and clan on the island preserve their unique identities like treasures. The sea-loving spirit of the Ly Son people was crystallized through the Paracel Soldier Ceremony. That was in the past, and now Ly Son has a particularly important geopolitical position in protecting national sovereignty at sea. The Ly Son people always look towards the sea, towards the ships reaching the sea are Hoang Sa and Truong Sa – a sacred part of the country’s flesh and blood.

Ly Son island, Quang Ngai

The resources of Ly Son have both natural and man-made and of course, they all keep their distinctive features, not to be confused. Tourists have come to Ly Son for many years because of this special attraction. In terms of artificiality, it is the history of protecting the heroic sovereignty of the sea and islands of his father with 07 national-level relics, 19 provincial-level relics such as ; It is the famous and delicious Ly Son garlic and onion product. Natural creations are landscapes of unique geomorphological and geological value formed from volcanic eruptions tens of millions of years ago such as Cau Cave; Hon Dun; Cave temple; The Arch; Money Well; is a diverse and unique marine ecosystem with many beautiful pristine natural coral reefs. Therefore, Ly Son was voted by Forbes magazine (USA) as one of the 10 most beautiful beaches in Vietnam.

Ly Son island is only 10 km2 with a population of about 20,000 people, but there are nearly 100 relics with a complex of temples, pagodas, shrines, tombs of Hoang Sa warriors who once sailed to sea. preserving the sovereignty of the sea and islands for the nation. Experiencing many changes of history, but perhaps thanks to being far from the mainland, less affected by the restoration and embellishment of monuments in a squabble style, most of Ly Son’s relics are still intact and less susceptible to damage. invasions such as Hang pagoda, Duc pagoda, Ly Hai village communal house, Am Linh Tu relic complex, Hoang Sa soldier cemetery. . . The communal house of Ly Hai village – one of the very few communal houses of the Central Coast region that has been preserved until now. The first feeling when I set foot on Ly Son was this land lying in the middle of the sea all year round, facing the big waves and storms, but still full of pride for hugging it. cultural and historical imprints of thousands of years ago do not fade over time.

The thing that easily captivates anyone who comes to Ly Son is the color of the sky and water here. I have been to many large and small islands all over the country, but the sky is nowhere near as blue as the sky of Ly Son in the last days of July. Blue sea water, transparent sunlight flowing on each tree top, grass buds as clear as glass, the clear sky is surprisingly beautiful. And the wind seems to be blowing from all directions here, filling my soul…

Thoi Loi Mountain on Lon Island. One of the mountains was formed from the lava of the volcano tens of thousands of years ago. At the foot of the mountain, there are thousands of graves to summon souls – soldiers who went to Hoang Sa – Truong Sa sacrificed at sea and did not return, fishermen here molded clay to make life human figures, buried under the tomb of the wind to pray. their souls soon returned to their native homeland.

5/5 - (2 bình chọn)

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